Monday 9th of September 2013
Well, we're back, horribly jet lagged, I've been up since 3:00am, so I'm going to attempt to finish this blog.
We'd intended to go to Ravenna on the way back from Nurit and Yaron's on Sunday, but didn't quite make it. So we traveled back to Aviano where we'd booked lodging on base till the plane back on Thursday morning, intending to spend 2 days at the Venice Biennale (and see a bit of Venice too), and then go to Padua and perhaps Verona. But first I had to see Ravenna and its mosaics.
As Rome's power declined in the Middle Ages, Ravenna became the capitol of the Byzantine Empire, around 400AD, and became renowned for it's early Christian mosaics. The mosaics are truly unique and are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Photography was a bit tricky - no flash, but we did our best, Dennis's best was better than mine. For anyone who's seeing this for the first time, these are all mosaics, not paintings. I'll stop talking now and show you Ravenna.
San Vitale Basilica 546-556AD
The Apse
Apse - Jesus on the globe flanked by angels Michael and Gabriel, a bishop and St Vitale
Sacrifice of Isaac, and the three angels
Abel and Malkiztedek
Justinian panel
Justinian panel - Justinian I flanked by his soldiers and the clergy
Theodora panel - Empress Theodora (wife of Justinian) flanked by her entourage
Dome vault - The Lamb in a wreath held by 4 angels
Peacocks in Ravenna
More peacocks
From the back
Galla Placidia Mausoleum 386-452AD
This tiny cruciform building looks so unassuming
Jesus portrayed as the good shepherd
Harts approach a pool of water illustrating Psalm 42 "As the hart panteth after the water brooks..." or in the original: כְּאַיָּל, תַּעֲרֹג עַל-אֲפִיקֵי-מָיִם. תהילים מב
Sky with 570 stars
Sant' Apollinare Nuovo Basilica 493- 1st quater of 6th centuryAD
Entrance and bell tower
3 Magi, Mary, Jesus and 4 Angels
Theodoric's Palace
Classe city
Neonian Baptistry 396AD
The baptism of Jesus by Yohanan in the River Jordan personified by the old man. Surrounding the baptism medallion 12 apostles led by Peter and Paul. Surrounding them is a representation of the Christian notion of heaven with 4 thrones referring to the 4 gospels.
Jesus, Yohanan and Old Man River
Dante Tomb
Dante wandered around Italy after being exiled from Florence and ended up in Ravenna where he died in 1321
That's it for now, still have The Venice Biennale and Padua to do...
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